Pre History Collections
Fossil is an reminder of stones organism. Group of fossils can deferent such as :
- Fossils processed by stoned, sculpture / bone, wooden
- Fossils processed by printed, leaf, shell-fish
- Fossils procesed by mumification, stegadon of canine tooth
The funcion of fossils
- As a direction of Earth ages
- As a directional of past live of ages / recontruction.
- As a directional of main land and historical.
Kind of animal fossils:
- Stegadon tusk
- Ancient bull sculpture
- Stegadon below canine tooth
- Ancient skin turtles
- A Snail
- Oyster
- Crocodile sculpture
As a result of sedimentation process. This sediment stone is consist of clastist sediment
and mechanics sediment. Sediment clastist consist of crushed rough and sediment
mechanics consist of crushed soft.
This sediment stones is able to uses as materials and industries.
- Breksi
- Black Stone (Sabak)
- Piropilit
- Leusit
- Phosphat
- Conglomerat
- Tufa Glass
- Nafal
- Zeolit
- Perlit
- Mangan
- Sulphur
- Calcopirit
- Limonit
- Leusit (Tefrit)
- Gifs
- Mine Stone
- Tufaan
- Wad
- Mud
As a result of liquid sparkle material process from inside the Earth (Magma). Base on
place of froze up able to be different, frozen stones able to uses as a material building.
- Andesit (Hypobisal)
- Andesit
- Andesit (Extrution)
- Dasit
- Gabro
- Diorit
- Basal
Mpu Tantular
The National Museum of East Java
Copyrights © 1997 by Anon Kuncoro Widigdo