Actually museum of Mpu Tantular is continued from Stedelijk Historisch Museum in Surabaya which has made by Von Vaber was a German, now he is a Surabayanese. Foundation of Universal has made since 1933, but it has just inagurated on 25th July 1937 on Jalan Pemuda 33 Surabaya. Before he hasn’t have ideas to made that museum he have are:
Museum wa bulid by Von Vaber, he started with as small object in Readhius Ketabang Room. This place is too far from from what his hopes. And then there is bergain from Mrs. Widow of Han Tjiong King to move that museum in Tegalsari which bigger about fifth time from the first place.
Because growing up that museum, that museum isn’t enough. Sould be tried to be a bigger room and then he got a new building in Simpang (Jalan Pemuda 3) and paid from fund collected by peoples. Interior of this museum has a colection rooms, library, office room, auditorium. To make perfect that museum Von Vaber has connected internationally but before he get his inspiration Von Vaber died on 30th September 1955.
Mpu Tantular
The National Museum of East Java
Copyrights © 1997 by Anon Kuncoro Widigdo