Traditional Ceremony Instrument Collections


Chewing tradition is very popular in society live all over country Chewing tradition usually uses by old man or woman (both) Chewing potions ingredent of tobbaco, cholk, gambir and piper betle leaves The wood, silver and brass is a metrials to made a place for Pakinangan.
The collections are :
  1. Pakinangan from Surabaya
  2. Pakinagan from Stedelijk Historisch Museum Surabaya
  3. Kecohan from Stedelijk Historisch Museum Surabaya
  4. Kecohan from Stedelijk Historisch Museum Surabaya
  5. Pakinangan from Stedelijk Historisch Museum Surabaya
  6. Kacip from Stedelijk Historisch Museum Surabaya

PETANEN BED (Goddess Sri Worship)

Commonly Java traditional house was completed with three rooms The middle room is usually empty. This middle room called petanen for Goddess Sri (Dewi Sri).
The collections are :
  1. Complete Petanen from Surabaya
  2. Bokor from Stedelijk Historisch Museum Surabaya
  3. Klemuk from Stedelijk Historisch Museum Surabaya
  4. Kecohan from Stedelijk Historisch Museum Surabaya
  5. Roro Blonyo Statue from Stedelijk Historisch Museum Surabaya


For the peoples, a creese beside as a weapon also ability as a heritage. Because they thought that creese is made by a Master of Creese (called Mpu). The body of creese is smooth or waved (luk). The creese is also have complete with wraper.
The collections are :
  1. Ladrangan creese from Stedelijk Historisch Museum Surabaya
  2. Gayaman creese from Stedelijk Historisch Museum Surabaya
  3. Dapur creese from Stedelijk Historisch Museum Surabaya
  4. Dapur creese (golden) from Stedelijk Historisch Museum Surabaya
  5. Dapur creese (shaped) from Stedelijk Historisch Museum Surabaya
  6. Dapur creese from Stedelijk Historisch Museum Surabaya
  7. Majapahit creese from Stedelijk Historisch Museum Surabaya
  8. Kudi from Stedelijk Historisch Museum Surabaya


One of weapon that Java People count is the spear. The spear made by Mpu. The material is from best metal and tin and it mixed and combined both.
The collections are :
  1. Wrapping spear from Stedelijk Historisch Museum Surabaya
  2. Unwrapping spear from Stedelijk Historisch Museum Surabaya
  3. Plangkan from Stedelijk Historisch Museum Surabaya


Mpu Tantular
The National Museum of East Java
Copyrights © 1997 by Anon Kuncoro Widigdo